Buddy's Mama, the Runner

My running journal and random photos.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Easy Run

My legs were more tired than I cared to admit this morning and I lugged myself out there for another run when I probably should have listened to the hubby and stayed home and lifted weights instead. Then I came up with the brilliant idea of running just 2 miles, then coming back for a quick weight workout...I should have known better. Two miles inevitably turns into three, because it takes about that long for me to start enjoying a run.

I didn't experiment with routes today...I didn't feel adventurous (or awake) enough....especially after almost getting lost yesterday! I did go home and do two sets of chest, back & abs...not bad.

Total miles today: 3


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I got lost!

I got lost today! Me! With a GPS watch and a map for a brain like my dad -- how could I get lost????

I went down my (now) usual route, but I was feeling adventurous. Where does that street go? Okay, I cheated and looked it up on Google last night. In fact, I was sure I had it down -- I knew where I was going...and yet I still ended up completely dazed and confused with only the slightest sense that I should go towards the orange sky because the sun comes up over the lake.

Part of this has to do with the fact that I don't wear my contacts when I run and I can barely see five feet in front of me. I ran up to several street signs like an idiot and found that I was coming to the same street repeatedly, but it looked totally different! These aren't the same houses that were here a minute ago!

I did finally manage to turn around and try to double back on my route and I found my way...I think I was too stubborn and proud to resort to the GPS...not to mention the fact that I don't really know how to use it find my way back home. Note to self: get user's manual out of garage.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Am I cursing myself by doing this again?!

It's been a loooong time since I last blogged!!!!!!!!!!! December 1! The weird thing is that I started running regularly again just after I stopped blogging. I went back to just bare-bones numbers -- split times and nothing else. More recently, we moved to our very first house and all of a sudden there are so many things that I want to remember about each run. Nothing important to anyone other myself and maybe Andy...usually he's asleep when I get back from my runs and I'm asleep when he gets back from work. I inevitably forget what I experienced and can't share it with him...so here I am...

Hopefully I won't get so caught up in trying to keep my blog up to date that I get sick of running altogether again (although, there were many other factors at play during my last hiatus).

I've been having problems with side stitches lately, which has never been a problem for me. I think it's from too much fluid; I can actually feel my belly being bloated to the point of being painful. Ouch. And now that we live in the hills, all that sloshing around isn't so fun when you're running downhill! Yesterday was bad and I had to actually stop and walk. Today I started off down the hill again and the stitch started...I stopped and turned around. It wasn't so bad running uphill and eventually the pain subsided, but didn't go away completely. Very annoying.

I did just three miles today. The worst part about the move has been the extended drive to work, which means getting up earlier and leaving earlier. Which means less time for running. Unless I get up at 5:30, but I haven't resorted to that quite yet.

I've been getting up at 6:05 (not quite as painful as 6am) and out the door by 6:30. I figure if I try to do at least 3-4 miles most days, it'll be ok for now. At least until I figure how to get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier!!!!

Anyway, I found a pretty decent 3-mile route and actually figured out a way to only have to run uphill once!! The hills are brutal. Absolutely brutal. I must look like an idiot running (and I use that term loosely) up the street. The whole community isn't that large, so there isn't a very long loop for me to run; at least not one that doesn't involve six hills.

Enough whining about the hills. Today I noticed that monster house on the next street was boarded up before Andy & I could sneak a peak. Hopefully on the weekend we'll be able to get inside. I also noticed where they're going to be putting in a community pathway--very exciting! I hope it's ashphalt and not concrete. Note to self: get map to find out if that pathway is going to be cutting through our house!!

Other than the side stitch thing, today's run was pretty good. I actually had some time to go another mile, but I held back. I wanted to be able to leave early to get some work done, and I wanted to spend time with little Buddy, something I've been missing like crazy lately.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

I forgot what it's like!

I forgot what it's like to be a runner. I haven't been one for months, after all. I forgot what it's like to be tight all the time, to feel like my toenails could fall off at any time, to have to keep flip flops in my car at all times so I can switch into them at the end of the day when my toes want freedom. And the best of all: the rice krispies knees are back. I also hadn't eaten cereal in a long time, and now I'm back to my usual runner's breakfast. It's all worth it, though. I feel like I'm getting my body back and I feel wonderful.

Run time:


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It feels good to run again

I guess I really did forget how much I just love running. Andy: You're not going to use your Garmin anymore??? This after I suggested maybe I should get a plain old watch that just tells the time. I forgot how much fun it is to just run and not worry about where I'm going or how far I've gone. Time restraints still exists, especially during the week, so I do have to check the time. But I don't really miss the mile beeps on my Garmin, and it's actually more fun to log onto www.usatf.org to map out my run. Did I actually go as far as I wanted?

Today's run was great. I had 40 minutes, but squeezed out 45. I was hoping to run at least 4 miles, and I actually did 4.20. Not bad! With only two runs under my belt, I already feel better.

Run time: 00:47:00

Distance: 4.20 miles

Monday, November 27, 2006

Starting over

I don't think I've ever gone this long without running...and it shows. I gotta say, I love Phil Kaplan, but I NEED cardio! Yikes. I went from feeling great to not being able to fit into nearly any of my pants. VERY scary. To make matters worse, the temps dropped. More than I expected. Then a breakthrough: B&G let us keep their treadmill at our place. Woohoo! I ran yesterday for the first time in a very long time and it was great! Four miles. Until I get back into it for real, I'm leaving the Garmin behind. I might not even run outside. I don't care how fast I'm going, as long as I run at least 4 miles. I can't wait to get back on the machine again tomorrow.

Run time: 00:45:00

Distance: 4.25 miles

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Buddy's Mama, the Walker

I'm into week 4 of my 8-week lifting cycle. Now that daylight savings is over (hooray!) and there is a decent amount of light out at 6:30 am, and the temps have cooled (crisp and refreshing!), I've rediscovered my first love: walking. When I run in our community, all I can think about it is "Wow, this is so pretty...how much farther?" All those damn hills! It doesn't exactly make for fun running, for me at least. But walking? That's another story. It's awesome. Work has been taking up a lot of my time, so I've been lifting at night and on the weekends. But for the last few days I've gone out for some fresh air in the morning and it's been wonderful. Yes, I have to bundle up considerably (I broke out the mittens today!), but it's much easier to walk in 3 layers than it is to run. I did 3 miles today. Not bad! :)